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Frequently Asked Questions

If we have not answered your question below, please feel free to call us directly at 877-865-5800.

Changing Magazines

Yes, at any time during your membership you can change your magazine selections. You may have up to 5 magazines delivered to you at any time.

Adding Magazines

Just go to the Magazine selection page. You can either drag any title into your 'Active Subscriptions" area, or open the individual Magazine you are interested in and click on the 'Subscribe" button.

Magazine Delivery

Magazine Publishers process orders differently, however as a rule of thumb you can expect the following:

1)  Weekly Magazines: 4 to 6 weeks
2)  Bi-Weekly and Monthly Titles: 6 to 10 weeks
3)  Bi-monthly and Quarterly Subscriptions: 12 to 16 weeks.

There are a few publishers that take longer than the standard start time. If your subscription hasn’t started in the appropriate time frame, or begins with a past issue you have already read, please contact us.

Magazine Renewal

Magazines Perks is pleased to offer the convenience of automatic subscription renewal for all active members.

Automatic Renewal Service means you never have to worry about renewing or missing an issue of your favorite magazine again!

With this convenient service, your subscriptions will be automatically renewed at the end of each subscription term.


Shipping & Handling Fees

Shipping and handling is always free with Magazine Perks.

How to Login

You will be able to log in to your account after you receive your order confirmation. Sometimes this takes a day or two. Click on the Login button at the top of any page to log in. Only active members have an account with us.

You can login with any two of the following credentials:

1) Last Name

2) Phone Number

3) Account ID